The Code

                            // step 1: receiving and responding to the user's string
							function getValue() {
								let userInput = document.getElementById('message').value;

								if (userInput.length < 2) {
									// making the alert invisible if already showing on the screen
									let alert = document.getElementById('alert')
										icon: 'error',
										backdrop: false,
										title: 'Step-On-No-Pets',
										text: 'Please, enter at least 2 characters.',
								} else {
									let isPalindrome = checkForPalindrome(userInput);
									let userMessageReversed = reverseString(userInput);

									// creating an object that handles everything
									let results = {
										input: userInput,
										reversed: userMessageReversed,
										isPalindrome: isPalindrome

									// finally displaying the results on the screen

							// step 2: the function that will reverse our string.
							function reverseString(inputString) {
								// You can treat a string just like an array
								let result = '';

								// decrementing for loop
								for (let index = inputString.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
									result += inputString[index];

								// return the string
								return result;

							// step 3: determining whether a string is a palindrome
							function checkForPalindrome(input) {
								// take the user input and reverse it
								let lowerCaseInput = input.toLowerCase()
								lowerCaseInput = lowerCaseInput.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '')

								let reversed = reverseString(lowerCaseInput);

								// see if the reversed string is the same as the user input
								let isPalindrome = reversed == lowerCaseInput

								// return a value indicating whether it is or not a palindrome
								return isPalindrome;

							// step 4: displaying a message to the user to show 
							// whether their string is a palindrome or not
							function displayResults(results) {
								let alert = document.getElementById('alert');
								alert.classList.remove('invisible', 'alert-success', 'alert-danger');

								if (results.isPalindrome) {
									// make the alert green
									// Changing the header message for success
									alert.querySelector('h4').innerHTML =
									'Well done! You entered a Palindrome!';
								} else {
									// make the alert red
									// Changing the header message for failure
									alert.querySelector('h4').innerHTML = "Sorry My Friend! It's not a palindrome";		

								let resultInput = results.input.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '')
								let resultReversed = results.reversed.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, '')

								// display the user input vs the reverse message
								).innerHTML = `Your message was: <b>${resultInput}</b><br />Your reversed message is: <b>${resultReversed}</b>`

The Bonus

							// BONUS 1:
							// determining whether a string is a palindrome using array notation
							function checkForPalindromeB(userInput) {
								// turn the string into an array
								// split a string into multiple sub-strings and return them in the form of an array
								let characters = userInput.split('')
								let arrayRuselt = []

								// using a decrementing for loop
								for (let index = userInput.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
									let letter = characters[index]

								// turn the new array back into a string
								let newArray = arrayRuselt.join('')

								// palindrome or not
								if (newArray.toLowerCase() == userInput.toLowerCase()) {
									return newArray.toLowerCase()
								} else {
									return false

							// BONUS 2:
							// determining whether a string is a palindrome using string only
							function checkForPalindromeC(userInput) {
								let stringResult = ''
								// using a decrementing for loop
								for (let index = userInput.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
									stringResult += userInput[index]

								if (userInput.toLowerCase() == stringResult.toLowerCase()) {
									return stringResult.toLowerCase()

							// BONUS 3:
							// check if the words can be compared to itself using reverse() array method
							function checkForPalindromeD(userInput) {
								let resultStr = Array.from(userInput.toLowerCase())
								resultStr = resultStr.reverse().join('')

								if (resultStr == userInput.toLowerCase()) {
									return resultStr

How the code works behind the scene!

Before jumping into VSCode and starting to write code, I needed a plan and at that moment I started by asking myself questions about the problem that I needed to solve and I managed to divide the problem into steps. For this problem I actually developed four steps.

  • Receiving the user input and responding to the user's back with the final answer.
  • Creating a function that will reverse the giving string.
  • Determining whether a string is a palindrome or not.
  • And finally, displaying a message to the user using our HTML page that was build specially for this effect.
The four steps in action!

So, regarding this function, it only collects the text that we need and returns the result. To make my task easier I used an object in which I store useful information to be able to access it if necessary or at least use it in the function which has the task of displaying the result, in this case displayResults which you will see later. Finally, to ensure some of the validity of the information we receive from the getValue function, I use the help of sweetalert2.


The reverseString function has only one responsibility: reverse the received text. Note that there are several ways to do this, and many developers would try to use the array method, but as far as I am concerned I know that strings have one thing in common with arrays, and that is the indexing. Which allows me to access each character without writing too much code. To do this I create an empty string variable just like I could do by creating an empty array. I use a for loop to access the length of the message -1, knowing that the indexing of the string starts from 0, set my condition for the loop to then decrement by 1 at each iteration and concatenate the letters in my empty string variable. And finally return this variable for later use.


The checkForPalindrome function is responsible for taking an input and converting it to lowercase, then removing the symbols that could accompany the text to replace them with an empty string, using the buildin javascript method replace and a regular expression. In this function we call our reverseString which has the sole purpose of turning the text backward, then we ensure that the two texts are identical by comparing the input that the checkForPalindrome function receives with that returned by the reverseString function, so if these two are the same it's a palindrome. At the end we return the result for later use.


The displayResults function aims to display the long-awaited result to the user and for this we use a template tag. Before going any further, what is this famous template tag in HTML?

HTML <template> Tag:

The template tag is an HTML5 element that allows you to hold client-side content that you don't want to be rendered when the page loads. The content inside a template tag is not displayed, and it can be used as a template to clone and insert into the document later using JavaScript. This is particularly useful for storing reusable content that can be dynamically added to the DOM.

Let's get back to our displayResults function! We access an alert that we created using our template tag, then remove the class that made our alert invisible in order to display the result and change the classes that allow us to change the colors when the message is a palindrome or not. So if the message is a palindrome we display a success message and otherwise we display a completely different message using our if statement. At this level, I also prefer to remove the symbols that were passed with the text during display by using the regular expression. In the end, when displaying the alert I present the input message and the reversed message to prove that the message is a palindrome or not.


In the bonus section below I gave you other ways to do the same thing, which proves that in programming there are many ways to solve a problem, and that it all depends on your approach. This is why you should always try to divide the problem into small parts that will help you achieve your goal. See the bonus section to test the codes and try to understand what is happening.

That's kind of cool, right? 😎